posted on
Jan 26, 2016 01:46PM
All is said and done, everything is calculated for. By numerous institution. Noront is well prepared for the actual mine construction, or should I say mines, the plural. FN have signet MOUs, there are no more bears or caribous on the road. Let's announce the road construction. Economy cannot do without any longer. Pour it in, Stir it up and let's live up to our ancestor' values and their effortless work to make Canada a better place to live. Instead of our current contemplated behaviour, politicians included. In the end a politician is no more than any other citizen. Canada is mining or mining plus ,whatever Justin wants it to be, and the ROF will contribute to re-establish the so important credibility and prosperity to all Canadians. More waiting would be not only viewed as an opportunity loss (for which no alternatiive is available at all) but also as cowardness behavior. Who wants to put shame on its ancestors, who have acted fearless for today' generation and the ones to follow ? It will be the first time in Canadian history, what our parents have done for us, we are reluctant to do for our children, first timer, the next generation cannot live up to values (principle matter of trust if you like it or not) of their ancestors as our generation got quitte a bit too comfortable. The ROF is needed more than ever to reduce the lame duck mentality. Mick set to be the black horse ?