NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: The loupe

“A loupe is a simple, small magnification device used to see small details more closely.

Loupes are used in a number of industries, notably the jewelry trade, watchmaking, photography, printing, dentistry, education and ophthalmology.”

Imagine trying to drive a car with a loupe centered over your eye.

You would see only the small details very close up but would not be able to see the road.

My suggestion is remove the loupe from the eye and look into the distance.

Look at the road again without this loupe.

Start thinking again about the stainless steel industry and how wonderful it would be for Canada.

I thought about the nickel and chromium….and wished like crazy the ROF had Iron ore and metallurgical (coking) coal…too.

Then I thought …if I could….I would find a way to consolidate the remaining ingredients in the cheapest way possible…find a way to create a nice gobbling affect…get the pigeons nice and fat as we saw in 2011 with the multiple takeovers…

And then when the pigeons are nice and fat full of high priced takeovers and full of big juicy debt…..I would pull the rug out from under them and force them into bankruptcy…

I would then grab their carcasses for a 90% discount. (oh….I see this has already been ..done)

Then I would look at the steel companies and grab their cheap carcasses. ( this is in progress)

Any pipeline projects during all these “festivities” would be put on hold.

I would hire multiple demonstrators …same hard working folks as the one’s seen during occupy wall street. They would be protesting …with little or no knowledge as to why they were even protesting. As long as I paid them…they would happily march.

In the case of the pipelines I would be promoting a big NO due to fear of pipes leaking due to corrosion and I would also be touting the carbon pollution…problem.


The researchers estimate that the proposed pipeline, which would carry oil from tar sands in western Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast, would increase world greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 121 million tons of carbon dioxide a year.

The department said this year that, at most, the pipeline would increase world carbon dioxide emissions by 30 million tons.

Such emissions have been on the mind of President Barack Obama, who has said his administration would allow the pipeline to be built “only if this project does not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution

Once all the carcasses were accumulated, I would then offer solutions for pipeline leakage and for carbon pollution….I would address Obama’s ….”only if “ ..clause.

First…the leakage issue: what is a major factor?


“No oil pipeline can 100% guarantee a leak- or spill-free operation. Even outspoken pipeline advocacy groups admit, “While every pipeline company is working to achieve incident-free operations, accidents do happen.” [2
A major factor in the bursting of pipelines is corrosion. Pipelines are usually constructed out of carbon steel that is coated with various protectants, instead of using expensive but structurally sound stainless steel”

WHAT IS THERE TO DO? See below about what was written about the Northern Gateway Pipeline

“It seems there are two alternatives to proceeding with Enbridge’s Northern Gateway project as planned. The first would be to impose stricter regulations regarding leak and spill prevention that would bring the operation nearer to a 100% guaranteed spill-free standard. The other would be to wave goodbye to the Enbridge Northern Gateway project entirely and assess where else $5 billion might be spent to stimulate British Columbia’s economy and generate jobs.
At enormous costs, pipelines could be made out of stainless steel to prevent corrosion. While it seems unlikely that pipeline companies would spring for this cost”


Can we agree that building stainless pipelines would be a help? Imagine using stainless made in Canada?


How do we address the carbon footprint?

Here’s an idea. Let’s go look at the big coal polluters as a clue.

Let’s take a look at ERP compliant fuels (a division of Virginia Legacy fund) environmental group? Hmm? Capitalists? Hmm?


(Keep in mind ERP is a subsidiary of Virginia Legacy fund)

ERP Compliant is the second-largest producer of metallurgical coal in the U.S. It offsets its emissions by planting trees that reduce excess atmospheric carbon dioxide. The company owns a 13,500-acre forest in Belize, and an environmental partner has planted 36 million trees along the Mississippi River flood plain.

We absolutely are capitalists,” Mr. Clarke said. “The more money we make, the more we can divert into our purposes.”


……, Clarke said he plans to become the first U.S. coal producer to sell electric utilities coal bundled with reforestation/forestry carbon credits. For about a 10 percent spike in cost, Clarke’s coal would come with credits, equal to about 30 percent of the combustion emissions, already paid for, he said.

“The tree is the answer, it really is the answer,” Clarke said.”

I love the sentence “the tree is the answer.”

If it was me, I’d offer a stainless steel pipeline and ..in dealing with the carbon issue Obama is so concerned about….I’d plant trees! Lots of trees!!

Here is the beautiful part. I can plant the trees anywhere in the world. Anywhere …and take the carbon credits for doing it.

While I do the ultimate in capitalist/environmental stuff….you can well imagine…I have to turn off all the music. No rail talk ..please. No big announcements to spark price movement in the ingredients and in the sectors.

But, once I am finished, the music will be turned on full blast and you will hear it very clearly.


Before I forget bids for US Steel Hamilton, are being discussed right now and final bids for Essar Algoma are due May 15, 2016.


I looked at a website that looked at small cap and large caps stocks and the relationship between increasing institutional ownership.

Both graphs were upward graphs. Meaning as the institutional ownership grew …so did the share price. The explanation was…these institutions have access to highly paid, highly knowledgeable analysts and the thinking is …if they keep buying….maybe I as a retail should buy too. The thinking of “follow the smart money.”

Same thing for insider buying…if insiders keep buying and loading up….it is more likely to attract retail folks to buy the stock.

But, if you are trying to keep under the radar for …reasons… You need to get the PRIVATE institutions to buy (NO FUNDS OR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ) and of course NO retail.

You achieve this by not triggering…stock software alerts of increased institutional buying and insider buying…

And of course, the public funds are looking for decent returns for their customers. The irrational and POOR performing share price of Noront would not get the interest from the funds… which is good because graphs show that when funds dive in….so do “pesky” retail shareholders who ride their coattails.

You can imagine after years of accumulation with some pretty high prices by these PRIVATE institutions…that their average share price is not all that great. And what about the opportunity cost? The cost of not making money ..year after year..with compounded losses.

What is wanted in return for all that loss and waiting? Is it pennies?

The elite get out at the top of the market. Retail get out at the bottom. Think of who is invested in Noront.

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