Thanks Dennis for the supplement. So encouraged I expand:
The sale to the public is that it is the Trans-Canada highway. So just from that label it should have priority above all. In my opinion it is based on the political label instead of immediate need of 4 lanes.
May I now state that am for improving this highway. One of the arguments is that there are too many accidents in the two lane sections, particularly in poor weather. One of the long term plans is that this highway be improved to 4 lanes all along the route from Ottawa to Thunder Bay. Yes it already has many sections of 4 lanes and before that there have been added many sections with a passing lane.
Having stated the above, we have to be cognizant of proper priorities.
How can a convenience of 4 lane have priority over a region that desperately needs a road but has none. By desperate I mean not only the condition of local people but also the need to open up a central region of northern Ontario for development.
As Auminer wrote, it is about getting the most votes from the people who pay taxes, hence thay have to be compensated.
On the other side, natives pay few taxes and have less voting power.
Politicians stay true to their nature, Ed.