Tin Man
You may have 'got it right'. With a deal on the table for Algoma finally coming forward maybe all the little pieces of some 'made in Ontario' stainless have all come together. The bits have been picked up for pennies on the dollar. If you own ROF stock you will likley be riding the coat-tails of 'smart money' in the near future.
"A Mines and Money event wouldn’t be the
same without a few politicians pushing their
respective barrows and both domestic and
international policymakers are set to jet into
the province's capital.
Co-sponsored by the Ontario government,
the minister of finance, Charles Sousa plans
to present the province’s premier mining de-
velopments, while representatives from
Quebec and the Northwest Territories will
give their own competitive pitches.
With developments such as the Ring of
Fire, Plan Nord and the Building Canada plan
in the north of the country being steered by
the three jurisdictions, all of which require
massive infrastructure capital, public and pri-
vate partnerships could be the way forward
for these projects."