NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Noront still sold on the Ring of Fire


Noront still sold on the Ring of Fire

By Ben Leeson, Sudbury Star

Friday, January 27, 2017 12:45:18 EST AM


Gino Donato/The Sudbury Star When it comes to the Ring of Fire, Noront Resources Ltd. is in it for the long haul, president and CEO Alan Coutts said Thursday.


Company sees modest start, big potential in mining area




When it comes to the Ring of Fire, Noront Resources Ltd. is in it for the long haul, president and CEO Alan Coutts said Thursday.


Speaking at Bryston's on the Park in Copper Cliff as part of the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce President's Luncheon Series, Coutts talked about the wealth pulled from the ground in the Sudbury area and how he sees similar potential in the Ring, a crescent rich in chromite and other minerals such as nickel and copper, located in the James Bay Lowlands, about 500 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, and dotted with five small Oji-Cree First Nations communities.


"We all know in this room the last 150 years has generated an incredible amount of wealth and prosperity from the Sudbury Basin," Coutts said. "The Ring of Fire is almost identical in size, about 100 kilometres from tip to tail, and you can see there are already more than 20 deposits that have been discovered in that region, of various qualities and sizes."


Noront consolidated most of those discoveries during the last year, first buying out Cliffs Natural Resources after that company abandoned plans for chromite development in the Ring, then acquiring MacDonald Mines, the other large claim-holder in the region.


"We believe this is a mining camp," Coutts said. "We believe this will be, hopefully, the next Sudbury or the next Timmins or Red Lake, and we're trying to get a toe hold into this region and take advantage of these unique opportunities that presented themselves when the markets were down. We've all seen people pay too much for assets. We're hoping we paid not enough for these assets."


Noront is not a company that's in the business of flipping stock, he said.


"We have a pedigree - we've built and operated mines and smelters all over the world," Coutts said. "And if we have our way, that's what we're going to do here, as well. We're very excited about the ability to consolidate this. We see this as a company maker. We want to be that company that was, once upon a time, the Falconbridges and the Incos and the Norandas of Canada, and we see this as a great opportunity. All of those companies had a flagship operation that vaulted them on to greater things and we see this as having the same potential."


Rather than a chromite deposit, it's Eagle's Nest, a nickel-copper deposit expected to yield about one million tonnes per year, that could serve as Noront's starting point for development in the rest of the Ring.


The mine is not unique, except that Noront is planning no starter pit, because of water-treatment issues associated with the boggy, wet terrain, and in that the company has committed to returning all tailings back underground.


"People in this room who have operated or know anything about paste backfill plants would say well, that's kind of hard, to get all of those tailings back underground, after you've swollen them up from grounding," Coutts said. "You can usually put about two-thirds of you tailings back underground if you're doing it well, but what we didn't want to do in this boggy terrain and again, very sensitive environmental terrain, with our First Nations partners, was have a very big tailings dam that was built on boggy material."


When Noront talked with local First Nations about their concerns with the project, Coutts said, tailings and legacy issues associated with tailings dams were near the top of the list.


"A lot of people know what a tailings dam breach is and some of the devastation that can be caused by those, so that was a very sensitive part. The other thing they were very concerned about was water and water treatment."


Noront plans to create an underground quarry to provide room for extra tailings, as well as rock for roads and airstrips.


"In Year 3, when we don't need any more rock, we're going to turn our attention to the first chromite deposit," Coutts said. "We need to have addition void every year to live up to that commitment to put the tailings back underground, so the way we're going to do this is to mine about 500,000 tonnes per annum from the Blackbird deposit, a very massive chromite deposit up to 30 metres thick in various places. As a lot of mining people here will understand, a 500,000-tonne-per-annum mine is small, but we can mine a very high grade of chrome out of this mine, verging on 40 per cent Cr2O3, to provide that extra void, but importantly, we can also ship that volume out on a road to a ferrochrome processing facility and produce ferrochrome."


An alloy of chromium and iron, ferrochrome is chiefly used in the production of stainless steel.


"This is the modest start to the chromite world," Coutts said. "It is not a Cliffs-scale project by any means. It's a fraction of the size, but we think it's a very elegant way to get into that business, to learn it, to basically subsidize the mining process on the back of the infrastructure you build for the nickel mine, and also serve a purpose that we have from a permanent point of view."


They plan to build the processing plant, to be built somewhere in Northern Ontario, and produce ferrochrome for sale to the industrial northeastern United States. Even the modest 500,000 tonnes of ore produced by the mine will produce about 200,000 tonnes of ferrochrome, which Coutts said is equal to half of the American market.


"From there, let's see how that market goes," Coutts said. "Let's see if we can be a good supplier and live up to all of our obligations with our partners, whether they're industrial partners or First Nations partners."


The company has already begun talks with several communities interested in hosting the processing plant, including Sudbury, Timmins, Thunder Bay (through Fort William First Nation) and Sault Ste Marie. There is interest in Hamilton, Coutts said, but the company prefers a "made-in-the-North solution."


None of it will get started, however, without a road. Noront prefers a gravel road to a railway, at least initially, because the former option costs much less and can be shared with local First Nations, currently serviced only by air and winter roads.


"It kind of sounds easy, doesn't it?" Coutts said. "Our provincial government has allocated monies towards it, everybody up there wants the road network in there, yet we're struggling to get that final alignment on that gravel road that will enable those two mines."


Talks are ongoing through the Ring of Fire Regional Framework, which includes First Nations and representatives, including former premier Bob Rae, and the province, represented by former Supreme Court Justice Frank Iacobucci.


"The idea was get the First Nation players together, get government together, get to a table and try to regulate some of these issues so the playing field is established - how will the communities participate, what will their ownership be, how will they be involved in the environmental permitting?" Coutts said. "All of those are really good outcomes. However, in the last three years, a lot of the conversations with Canadians and First Nations have been taking on a vastly different aspect. It's not just about simple resource-development opportunities. The conversation that's going on is about reconciliation, about treaties, about jurisdiction.


"The conversation has to happen. Those conversations about consult and consent have to happen and Canadians need to address that, but the issue we have is we're not really part of that larger, Canada-wide issue. I question whether that discussion should be going on at this particular table, with a very remote, isolated group of First Nations.


"As a resource developer, I'm constantly trying to bring the dialogue back to, 'Lets get a road going, let's get some jobs created, let's get some training happening and let's try to make some of those communities sustainable and let's get some infrastructure built,' but it's a tough slog."


Many of the First Nations signed their last business agreement with the signing of Treaty 9, Coutts said, and understandably want a better deal for their communities.


"What our job as a resource developer is to do the right thing, show the right volente, get people saying, 'I know these people, these are good people and they do what they say they're doing and they're responsible,' to build that trust, because ultimately, I think the way to address this whole issue is for Noront, as an industrial proponent, and the few communities that are directly in the area and have the traditional land use to have a joint view of resource development and go marching over to the provincial government and say, 'Right, all of us want to do it this way. How does that sound?' I think that's the way to do it."

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