The Matawa FNs is a political affiliation of ten, predominantly Ojibway first nations on 10 reserves. Its a shared umbrella structure for the ten reserves. The northern reserves in the group have overlap with Cree based reserves/territories to the north and east.
On one level the bands talk to each other and work together on common lobbying etc. On the other hand its not unusal for individual bands, and even individual groups within a band to pursue objectives independent of other bands/groups for their own benefits. Aboriginal politics is tough and fluid with levels of politics within politics.
So while these bands share common ancestry and shared concerns and objectives that they work on closely together they also have objectives where they will work soley (independently or adversarially) on their own for their own interests. Sometimes they talk to each other and sometimes they don't.
Add in that the rules/policy/treaty interpretations that have guided the politics/practice for decades is changing and you have dynamics we are currently living.
.. Been There