Ask yourself why it is only Wynne with Trudeau at this event? Where are the other provincial leaders...??
Wynne heads to U.S. for face time and trade talk with governors
Wynne, the only Canadian premier to attend the conference, is scheduled to hold one-on-one meetings with five governors over the next two days. Their states all count Ontario as a top trade partner, but there are other strategic reasons Wynne wanted to meet with them specifically....
Canada-U.S. trade is expected to dominate talks at the meeting and Wynne will share her "fresh intelligence" with her counterparts her office said."
Fresh intelligence? what exactly does that mean? OK... I'll admitt I gave out a large snorkle when I read that.
I pictured Wynne as a potential Daniel Craig replacement as James Bond. (Luker could you provide a suitable picture of this.....please)
Then I thought about the seventeen members of the USA intelligence committee
Chromite is strategic to the USA military. A fresh source of chromite might be just what they need.