This sentence was one of the best in the article..
"Marten Falls sees this as an opportunity for present and future generations of families who want to live in the community and be gainfully and proudly employed"
And look how far ahead Marten Falls is .... although,..."Marten Falls only started work on road options with the province late last year."
And no money was given to them to consider the road...
and yet...
4 other reserves got $785,000 to "study" being connected (while complaining about the high cost of being remote)...and 2.5 years later...they are still not sure about being connected to an all season road.
And in particular ...Nibinamik who recieved a portion of this funding....had a recent fire and had to wait to be evacuated by plane....and yet ..still can't see the benefit of an all season road.
road out.