What if?.....The site Noront chooses for their "Ferrochrome Processing Plant", and KWG's quote, "“.......process with pilot plant testing in one of the strategic locales that have been under consideration” are one in the same. If Frank and Alan are smart, which I am guessing they are, then the two of them know that their combined efforts will reap far greater rewards. But in saying this I don't see either company making their next move without the guidance, and knowledge, from a major mining partner first. This is the key piece that must be placed down in order to complete their Ring of Fire puzzle; the next move. All the other pieces appear for the most part to be falling into place. This is the one piece, out all of them, that I believe will tell us our years of waiting for the Ring of Fire to come true are over.
I think this is the year we will finally see the puzzle come together.