NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Doug Twists Liberal's Ring Finger



Let the games begin!  Doug has called you out Wynne on the Ring of Fire.....It's now your turn to fire back.  If you don't then unfortunately I would have to concede that Doug is the man for the job.  Time to "Get It Right" or "Get Out".  This is your last chance.

Ford promises to start on Ring of Fire 'right away'

By Len Gillis

Sunday, March 18, 2018 8:12:48 EDT PM

Doug Ford, who was in Timmins two weeks ago as part of his bid for the Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership, said Friday that a new PC government would put more importance on the role of Northern Ontario in the province’s future. Ford, who was successful in becoming the party leader, was speaking during a teleconference with Northern Ontario media outlets.

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Ontario’s Progressive Conservative party pointed its campaign to the North on Friday with a half-hour conference call for Northern Ontario media as new PC leader Doug Ford promised to put the Ring of Fire project “in high gear” once he forms a new government.


Ford is actively campaigning for the June 7 provincial election despite the turmoil within the party following the resignation of former party PC leader Patrick Brown.

Ford said despite all the problems experienced by his party in recent weeks in picking a new leader, he said the provincial conservatives remain united.

“Our party is stronger than ever. Our party is united with one goal in mind and that’s sending Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals packing,” he said.

The telephone news conference was directed at Northern media, where Ford touched on several topics such as health care, hydro costs and even passenger rail service.

But in a quick preamble before taking questions from reporters, Ford said the Ring of Fire chromite mineral deposit was something that needs government attention.

“Now the Ring of Fire has been a broken promise for years. We’ve heard the Liberals keep talking about it, talking about it. I’m tired of talk. We’re going to start building roads.

There’s billions of dollars of chromite up there, that needs to be mined. We just have to get there,” Ford said.

Considering that consultations with First Nations were a concern cited by the Liberals for not rushing into the project, The Daily Press asked Ford if he had a timeline for getting a PC government to act on the project.

“Right away,” he said. Ford said consultations were important, but the project should not be held up at the expense of perpetuating the red tape that is involved.

“Sit down and make sure it is beneficial for everyone, the first nations, other towns and areas around the North. Everyone is going to benefit. Everyone has to see the payback for building the infrastructure. We’re willing to put the money in to get things moving and cut all the red tape and cut all the bureaucracy,” said Ford.

He reminded the group that his business experience was in the private sector, where one is expected to cut through the bureaucracy, deliver a project on time and be held accountable. And that’s how he would run the government, he said.

“But those consultations, we are going to put in high gear, and make sure that everyone understands, which I believe they already do,” Ford said.

“Everyone understands the urgency of this matter. There’s a mine up there with $60-billion sitting in it. Man, I’ll tell you, I would be up there with a shovel myself and digging it,” he added.

“But, to answer your question; right away. We’re going to start moving on this immediately,” Ford said.

Another issue Ford addressed was the need to bring back passenger rail service. Ontario Northland’s Northlander passenger train was ended by the Ontario Liberals in September 2012. Ford said it was the wrong thing to do.

“When the Liberals cut the Northlander passenger rail, leaving many communities in the North without a way to get around … I always believe you provide people with proper transportation, it just opens their lives up for employment, for entertainment,” he said.

“When we bring the train back, they’re going to be able to find good paying jobs that might be half an hour away, but it gives them an opportunity to find good employment.”

Ford said the PC party will be the new, strong voice for the North.

“Northern Ontario will be open for business. Northern Ontario will have lower hydro bills. Northern Ontario will have shorter wait times and better health care. And Northern Ontario will see an end to the sweetheart deals of Kathleen Wynne’s millionaire friends. And more money in your pocket instead of the government’s pocket,” said Ford.

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