The Liberals already have things in motion in regards to the roads they promised...So all we are waiting for is Matawa to get the same resource sharing deal as Mushkegowuk. At the same time we also have Noront who are expect a project description by mid-year from the Liberals. So, those who say the Liberals are doing nothing to advance the Ring of Fire are not taking this into account. Not to mention the support the Matawa First Nations are now showing toward these Liberal initiatives; positive feedback and momentum.
We have yet to see either Ford, or Horwath, making any effort to secure the Indigenous vote by visiting these communities and sitting down with them to talk about what the Liberals have done for them thus far. Until these two do this, unfortunately, I would have to say that Wynne has control over this vote, and the Ring of Fire's progress as well. Matawa's aligence for now is to the Liberals, and after all the promises that have been made and delivered upon I would have to say they will probably all be voting Liberal. Meaning if Wynne is not re-elected we are looking at a huge delay while the new party in power studies the past Liberal agreements.
I don't want to say this, but if the Liberals don't get in then we all better be prepared to wait longer for this whole Ring of Fire project to happen. :(
Taken from the article:
The province, Noront said, has assembled a team comprised of four ministries to provide “support and guidance” to the communities.
Environmental fieldwork began earlier this year to upgrade existing roads, which will connect with these new shared industry and community access roads.
The company expects the province to file a project description by the middle of this year. Queen’s Park plans to begin road construction sometime in 2019.