I can't help but be reminded of the insightful words, and life lessons,
Chief Clarence Louie of the Osoyoos shares with First Nations, because
every culture, indigenous or not, needs someone like him to lead the way.
I know growing up I could have learned a lot from a man like
him. Someone, who with his wisdom and caring would have taken
me aside and showed me the proper path; no sugar coating.
The article I have chosen to attach (find below) I know many of us
on the forum have seen before. The reason why I am providing
it once again is for the sake of our individuals from the First Nations
who visit our forum to read our discussions, learn from our
research, and take note of our comments given.
Much of what is happening to your people has purpose and reason,
and the change that it offers should not be taken lightly,
nor ignored. Your people have the opportunity to make
a serious difference to the future of your
youth. Regardless of the Ring of Fire your time has
come to move forward. Yes....The Ring of Fire has been
the catalyst that has brought about this unexpected change.
But I think your elders saw this coming, and your youth, having
seen what the past has done to their parents, are now eager to embrace it.
The unknown is always scary, but without change there will not be a
brighter future.