NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Grand Chief Solomon

We have not heard from the Mushkegowuk Council for years, and now they appear out of nowhere wondering why they have not been consulted; ???? .  Something tells me that the talks with Matawa are showing promise and gaining momentum. Now Mushkegowuk is worried about being left behind.  This lack of consultation bologne has nothing to do with EAs, and everything to do with business.  Being down stream means they will be complaining and making noise if there is no revenue sharing coming their way.  The EA on the Eagles Nest has been ongoing since 2011 (  https://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/evaluations/proj/63925?=undefined&wbdisable=true  ).  So, what the Chief is telling us is that he and his people have not been consulted, which I doubt. But even so, clearly they have been updated by mail.  If there was a concern about how the government was communicating with Mushkegowuk why has it taken 6 - 7 years to say something, and another 2 + years after having hired legal council; see RFP PDF attached.

Funny...If you recall Mushkegowuk and TGR had their own business case for the Ring of Fire.



"Mushkegowuk has the ability to construct transmission corridors through its ownership of Five Nations Energy, but is seeking expertise and financing in other areas for partnership possibilities." Comment: Cheap Quebec hydro.

After meeting with Mushkegowuk chiefs, Grand Chief Martin said he has received permission to proceed with talks with TGR, the province, and any other parties entering their traditional territory, which includes the Ring of Fire

Insert comment: So they believe they have claim on the Ring of Fire.  Do they?....Battle with Marten Falls and Webequie maybe...Jurisdictional dispute?  Is this this reason for lack of consultation bologne?

“From the beginning it seemed like Mushkegowuk was not part of the (Ring of Fire) discussions and so we had to put something on the table as another option.”
Suzanne Leclair, Mushkegowuk’s business advisor, cautioned that no partnership currently exists with TGR, though signing the MOU would initiate a due diligence phase.

"An Ottawa political news website reported that the Mushkegowuk-TGR proposal had attracted interest from the Prime Minister’s Office, but Chris McCluskey, spokesman for federal Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford, the government’s Ring of Fire point man, said any government dialogue with Mushkegowuk has been limited to talks with FedNor."

Maybe this is the real reason why Chief Solomon is complaining.  He risks losing a huge revenue stream.   Minister Greg Rickford is back on the Indigenous and Mining Development file once again. Could this recent complaint actually be disguised as a way to peer into Matawa affairs, because progress in the Ring of Fire seems to actually be gaining momentum and Mushkegowuk is being left out of any IBAs.   Perhaps....Or could it be that aside from adding themselves to any revenue sharing agreements that they are once again pushing their business plan.  A business plan to be both a rail corridor (TGR partnership) and energy supplier (Five Nations Energy / Quebec Hydro) for the Ring of Fire. 

  The EA simply means that those Mushkegowuk communities affected downstream by the Ring of Fire need to be consulted (assuming written and/or oral), so logically they will be taken into account, and if there are any minor environmental concerns, or not, they should expect compensation and protection.  Any major environmental concerns would crush the Eagles Nest project, and most likely any others in the Ring of Fire; IMO.

But...getting back to Mushkegowuk business.  Their RFP seeking to hire legal council in 2015 / 16 was done to do more than just take care of EA concerns....In fact, when you open the PDF and look at the actual title it states "Ring of Fire Negotiator"...Sound like business to me.  If not....then why list "Resource Development" as the second priority in your Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs statement (see RFP), and "Environmental Protection" as your seventh.  If so concerned about the lack of consultation on "Environmental Protection" why is not listed as your first priority...????


Quotes from Legal Council RFP PDF:

2.1 MUSHKEGOWUK COUNCIL OF CHIEFS The Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs and its Regional Council is the collective representative body of the Mushkegowuk Cree communities on the west coast of James Bay, and within our southern, traditional inland boundaries. The Mushkegowuk Council is the political voice of the region advancing the interest of First Nation peoples of the region through a nation-building process in the areas of health, resource development, social services, education, employment and training, environmental protection, and protection of treaty and Aboriginal rights of the people. The Grand Chief is the primary representative and spokesperson of the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs.

Both Chief Solomon and his legal council have had ample time to address any EA, or communication concerns....Why now?  What has precipitated this need to speak up?  



Your submission must be made in accordance with this document and will be received at the office of the undersigned on or before: 16:30 EST Friday, January 8th, 2016

Section 3 – Understanding of the overall nature and scope of the Requirement, as well as: • the bidder`s understanding of the vision and aspirations of the Mushkegowuk Cree communities, and the mission of the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs.understanding of the challenges, and opportunities, for Mushkegowuk Cree communities in relation to the development of the Ring of Fire. • understanding of the preferred approach to representing the Mushkegowuk Council and communities in negotiations related to the Ring of Fire, including expectations with respect to a team-based approach to negotiations, and interaction with Council and communities;

The real reason lies in this RFP:

3.1 PURPOSE The Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs is seeking to collectively engage mining companies, and the provincial and federal governments, in the Ring of Fire area to ensure that the rights and traditional lands of the Mushkegowuk First Nations are protected. In addition, the Mushkegowuk Council seeks to ensure that the environment and the social, cultural and economic dimensions of the Mushkegowuk First Nations are protected and enhanced....

Insert comment: At least environment was list first here. 

.....To this end Mushkegowuk Council is seeking to secure the services of a legal, and technical Advisory Services to represent the interests of all Mushkegowuk Council and First Nations in its negotiations with project proponents, and the provincial and federal governments. The Technical and Legal Advisory Services will assist the Ring of Fire Staff and Mushkegowuk Council in reaching an agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) to form the basis of a negotiation with Noront Resources, Ontario and Federal Government.


Business as usual.



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