Fully agree Neville D. From_Sudbury's posts are purest form of
Monday morning Quarterbacking.To talk about 50% Equity to
First Natioms after all these years is using hind sight.
Many years ago was expedient to blame Glorieux instead.
It is true that Noront is NOT where it should be for sure.
Fact is NOT faced a perfect storm in sea change the way both
levels of gouvernment and highest Courts of the land and
even United Natios treated F.N.s.
Just my opinion but when Bob Rae got to represent F.N.s
i could hear him say- with my eyes closed:
Do nothing and this will all be yours some day.
So here we are.F.S. and all the rest of us should take a
full responsibility for our actions and not blame everybody
else.I sincerely hope that we will see and end game that
we can live by.