These tweets seem very promotive and positive, add in Nibiminamik wanting their own road ( along with the 2 un-named band mates) and you seem to have forward momentum.
1/4 #FAQfriday WHAT ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMUNITY MEMBERS DURING AND AFTER THE STUDY? There will be plenty of opportunities for community members to participate in the Project during and after the Study.…..
2/4 #FAQfriday …[Contd.] Community members will be able to work with our technical experts in the field to conduct wildlife and vegetation surveys for the Environmental Assessment.....
3/4 #FAQfriday [Contd.] If the Supply Road is built, community members will have the opportunity to conduct environmental monitoring, operate and work at camp facilities, operate heavy equipment and participate in the project in many other ways....
4/4 #FAQfriday [Contd.] During operation of the road, there will be opportunities for maintenance and security of the Supply Road, as well as possibly operating commercial businesses along the road. #wfnsupplyroad