NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: take the pie

After so many years of waiting with few opportunities to get excited about things in the Ring...i gotta say,  I'm finally excited & optimistic.

While i love where the SP looks to be headed i can't honestly say I'm yet happy with where it is.  This used to be a $7 stock.  I think i started buying in around $5.50 so it still has a ways to go.  For those out there that are willing to tender give you're head a shake.  When NOT was at it's high's they really only had Eagle's Nest...now they have bought out all of Cliff's which includes Freewest and Spider claims and consolidated most of the land package in the Ring (which is still unexplored). For those who recall Crazy Dick , expectations were high (maybe too high at $20) .

Not sure how we went from that to where we are now but that's what happens when everyone doesn't get on board and feet are dragged.  We are on the verge of one of the largest mining opportunities of this CENTURY, nickel,palidium,gold,chromite just as a start,  with the majority of our land package still unexplored. 

Now BHP and Wyloo both come from Austrailia but here is no love lost between them... money makes strange bedfellows but at the price we are at now i don't see these two playing nice with each other.  If you want the whole pie you rarely settle for half just to split it with your buddy who is a complete jerk... you take the pie!  Plus the pie is on sale so what do you do....you take the pie!

I realize the Ring comes with it's own set of hurdles but for the discount you get plus the bonus of keeping  it out of you're competitors hands, it's a steal.  Add to that the multiple generation life expectancy and the unexplored potential it's a no brainer...take the pie.

Some options are to buy out Noront completely...another is to buy out Eagles nest or our Chromite plays and leave Noront to keep exploring potential targets. Either way .55 is just a starting point.  This goes much higher and anyone who doesn't continue on till we see reasonable offers is going to live with the regret.  But everyone's exit point is different. We each decide what is best for us.  For anyone who's been here as long or longer than myself, i don't see any of us making any decisions at least for the next two months. Big things still ahead i don't expect it will be without ups and downs but i'm excited for the potential of whats ahead...  

Now as for BHP and Wyloo (and that 3rd party still undisclosed) the pie is out of the oven,  it's sat here and cooled nicely.  Next step is your's.  You know what to do!



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