The short aswer, is no. The Jan 14 date is now Mar. 31/ 22 anounced late last week).
Of interest, Cdn. Canterra Mine, a wholely-owned goldmine in Kyrigistan (sp?), Russia, .....confisgated, illegally, a year ago.:--- this has justlegally resulted in (todays news) a 26% increase in the capx value of the configated Canterra, (Cdn, ONT.)mining company.
BHP is/was a major investor- shareholder in Canterra.
More money for BHP to bid on a higher price for "%contol" issue of shares of Noront,...imo, very interesting development in the Noront-Road to the Ring of Fire, ...under Ontario, Transporation, Mineral Ont. constutional contol. fyi, etc. More patience; things are happening, ...daily imo. fyi, Peter