Dear CIGAs,
When I tell you that this is the gang from, I am not kidding.
The cannon is the property of the famous CIGA Rusty Bayonet, one of his many.
The third fellow from the left wants to even the score with the illegal gold share shorts. Look at the fellow on the far right, now there is a knife. Sixth from the left seems to have a sawed off shotgun. These people do not waste words or money on attorneys.
Maybe some of the young financial wise guys who are still wrecking the world with their ever and ongoing creation of OTC derivatives should take heed. These same new lions are in the illegal pools that have oppressed gold shares.
One day someone is going to get mad at their boss and inform (being well rewarded) them of the identities of the illegal destructive derivative sociopath shorts.
I would imagine that these geeks with attitude are going to get a social call.
Many Gold juniors are run by dedicated people and in certain cases take the actions very seriously of those who cowardly take comfort in what they think is the ability to attack while hiding.
Wish I could have posted the picture. go to