All in my opinion;
The US is in the whole economicaly wise so they are protectin their dollar. The means to
that is a suppresion of the alternatives to The Dollar. That means gold is a prime target.
Today they have ( I presume it is they ) pushe id down to $1026 range. Of course the other precious metals follow suit not to mention the rest of the resource markets.
Because of that link to the other sectors, suppresing gold and it's realitives is an
effective tool as long as they have the resource to do so.
But it looks like their resource nears an end. The G20 meeting in November will be a critical sign post. If many countries decide to diversify their transactions from the 'precious' dollar then the dollar will tank.
Needless to say commodities valued in that dollar will sky rocket.
So I say to many Noront shareholders - do not fret too much.