Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Funny

I'm suddenly feeling the urge to chime in again......'cause I know how you all hang on my every word, lol.

Scary, I don't entirely disagree with you, Atomic is getting paid to get the word out and (hopefully) attract investors, the whole point of hiring them was because of their impressive connections to Silicon valley investors and their accomplishments with companies like Sony.

So far they have not attracted any U.S. investors....but I think there may be more to the story than Atomic failing. My personal belief is that while spreading the POET word and demonstrating the technology with the chips produced by BAE, they garnered some interest from parties who requested the downsize to 100 nm. this would explain the sudden emphasis put on 100 nm and the SRP.

I think the U.S. investors are waiting for the coming milestones to be completed and evidence that the chips can be scaled down successfully.......I also know from someone extremely trustworthy that POET employees are indeed in a blackout, there is no doubt in my mind of that fact.........but unfortunately I can't provide any proof.

Like I said before, with us being in the dark, we can only go on what is public or from what we dig up with our dd...........if nothing happens by the end of September, I'll be re-evaluating my investment in POET, until then I'm holding tight.


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