Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: don't quit now

I have been in this stock since a bit before the pellingro report, I have been in the markets for a long time, most of the stocks on the venture are risky, some more then others, I have had some do well, some do nothing, and most don't even do, that is just how venture stocks work, hence the name VENTURE. However after saying that, this stock is different, is has people on this board that has been to the agm, and have met the teem, ( thanks to them for reporting).

We have some very good talent on the managment side, and it seems they are putting a plan into place, I have no problem with the no news things, as this type of business is all about getting it done and not giving it away, I am sure this would be stolen in a heartbeat if possible, so I am fine with giving them the space they need.

We have had some updates to give us some news on progress, and to date there has been none negative, I repeat, there has been NONE negative, so until someone from the company says there is a problem, and they come out and say SELL YOUR SHARES, SELL YOUR SHARES, I am going to stay right here, as I mention a week ago, I bought a few more, and if it stays flat this week, I will buy a few more.

Think about the end game here, there has been almost nothing since the .com bubble that has anything remotely close to the potential this stock has, there is no signs of a problem, people here have seen the technology with there own eyes, so with all that potential just waiting for the rest of the process to get completed so it can all get put into play I am going to sit right here and see it to the end, the risk reward is just tp good to pass up, this is truly on stock that can change your life, so why not see it through.

This is just my opion, do as you see fit, and GLTA and a very merry christmas and a happy new year to everyone. :)

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