Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Walk er up

Dec 19, 2013 09:04AM
Dec 19, 2013 10:04AM
Dec 19, 2013 10:34AM
Dec 19, 2013 11:06AM

Dec 19, 2013 11:13AM

Dec 19, 2013 11:16AM

Anon must still believe in the company because they are not selling and still buying more this close to the end of the year. They believe something will happen, and so do I.

That is the reason I am not selling until we see something good, I have been here way to long to sell now when they are so close.

Good Luck and Have a very Merry Christmas.

Dec 19, 2013 12:14PM

Dec 19, 2013 12:23PM

Dec 19, 2013 12:32PM
Dec 19, 2013 01:39PM
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