Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Regarding 100 nm... let's not forget....

From the Jan 6th NR... If the company is in the final stages of the milestone with a fab partner "repeating this milestone and improving it" then we just need to be patient and wait for the completion, I doubt very much they purposely holding out on us... Trust in what this company is working very hard at trying to achieve, changing the future of the semiconductor industry!!

Drive for Reduction of Feature Size to 100-nm Range (100nm), Milestone #8 - The Company has introduced new specific milestones associated with reducing feature size to the 100-nm range in scale. The POET team has realized submicron device operation down to 200-nm. The path to maintaining scaled operation down to 100nm has been identified. The Company has scheduled its Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) to be shut down for cleaning and maintenance for a period of approximately 6 weeks after completing Milestones 5 and 7. After restarting the MBE, the Company expects to complete Milestone 8 and, accordingly, the timeline for the completion of this milestone has been moved to the first quarter of fiscal 2014. The 100-nm goal is matched to the state-of-the-art commercial III-V foundry capabilities and will demonstrate the greater than 50x speed improvement together with lower power consumption by a factor ranging from 4 to 10 depending on the application as compared to silicon at smaller nodes. Significant progress has been made on the completion of this milestone, although it has proven to be more difficult to achieve with the limited equipment available to POET. This highlights the importance of developing an alliance with a fab partner where repeating this milestone and improving it will be significantly easier with advanced lithography equipment standard for CMOS processing.

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