What Iamsorry said!
Plus the fact that the two major breakthroughs have been achieved already:
- much faster and much less power-consuming equivalent for Si CMOS,
- monolithic integration of electronics and optics in the same die.
The set of POET components is more or less complete now. Developing these components from scratch required the unmatched excellence of Geoff Taylor. He established the foundation for what POET Technologies is doing.
Now a major topic is the transition from a research company to a development company, as mentioned in the news release of 2014-01-06 (emphasis and amendment by me):
"Besides the announced appointment of a Senior VP of Operations [i.e. Stephane Gagnon] in November 2013, key management changes are underway at the research facility in Storrs, Connecticut. An efficient program management will be instituted and all documentation and design kit efforts will be handled on-site in a direct manner. This step underscores the current transition from research to development oriented activities within POET indicating the maturity of the technology at the present time. This management reporting structure will encourage the success of the finalization of the research stage of POET and provide for the long term substantiation and transfer of the involved IP. A new development team will be formed with partners to scale the POET Technology bringing it to a mature stage."
Turning the outcome of the successful POET research activities into a product and bringing that product to market requires different and additional skills. The company is well aware of that and has added the respective capabilities internally (Stephane Gagnon, Daniel DeSimone, Ajit Manocha) as well as externally (Synopsys, "3rd-party foundy").
POET Technologies is well-prepared for the future. (Unlike certain other companies.)