Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: apple product pictures
Jan 31, 2015 09:11AM

Jan 31, 2015 09:15AM
Jan 31, 2015 09:51AM

I am an hour outside of Vegas, Maybe if poet takes off this week we can all get together and buy some Casino's, I see Harrahs ( Ceasars) Entertainment just went into creditor protection last week. Maybe we can get a good deal and have the house rules in our favor for a change.

If not I will join the Canadians walking back.

On another note, I remember something from last spring about the use of Apple and Google product pictures on CP. It was in reference to some pictures put on their website, It is on page 11,16, 18 of the Corporate presentation, there is a picture of one of Google's server rooms as well as a iPhone and a A7 chip.

Someone emailed CC about it and if I can recall he said something about they didn't need permission for some situations or something along those lines.

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