Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Many interpretation's however....

From 20 F , the Management, Inventash, Pinetree, IBK, White, Uconn all together have had above 40% of the shares.

A 5 Mio financing at 0,65 $ in Febr. 2014 mit 7,692 Mio shares + Warrants at 1 $ (at this time we have had 142 Mio shares issued - not fully dilluted).

UConn 11 Febr. grant of 2.0 Mio Shares with reduction of License Fee to 3% in Febr. 2014 !

Between Februar - April 2014, Sheldon Inventash & Michael White accumulated around 1,5 -2 Mio shares appr. .

Options grants to Daniel DeSimone in 2014 with 200.000 at 1,44 $.

July 7th Ajit Manocha with 2.0 Mio at 1,75 $ + ca. 45.000 $ per month!

Stock Option Plan (SOP) JULY 11th with 5.45 Mio Options.

AGM August 15th additional 2,41 % which is 3,94 Mio Options at 1,24 $ approved!

In the news from 2 April 2015 Daniel DeSimone received 500.000 Optionen at 1,65 $.

Sum with about 220 Mio Aktien fully diluted with 21,5 Mio shares/options/warrants issued in 2014 with an average price of ca. 1,0 C$ !

At the end of 2013 Major Shareholder have had 33% = 44 Mio Shares with total of 134 Mio shares (issued not fully diluted) and now we have 23 Mio shares + X (to front for) accumulated:

Sheldon/Inventash: 35,4 Mio Shares with ca. 16 % or more accurate ---> at appr. 20% !
IBK-White : at least 10 Mio + X so in total might at = 5 %
Brant: estimation at 3 %
Alpha North: estimation at 3 %
Uconn: at 2 Mio Aktien = 1 %
Management: ca. at 25+ Mio shares = 11,3 %

Official sharesstructur looks like Managmement / Institutionellen / UConn at 42 % + X with unknown Fonds/Institutions/Partnern/(to front for!)

This means that Retail Shareholders could have max. of 58% but i would say around 25-55% should be feasible!

For me this looks as a very well balanced Shareholder structure. On the other side the Shareholder Right Plan limits Investors for a max. of 20% and should someone try to make a hostile take over plan the poison pill comes to fruition!

So no shares available from my side as retail shareholder for any takeover bid!

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