Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: So many questions left unanswered
Scary you hit the nail on the head. They never tell you what happened to the old plan, and it's genuinely frustrating waiting to get back on track. Peter made promises he couldn't deliver in a timely fashion, and PNP has run completely out of rope, throw in the recent sector weakness, and here we are. But the news is good, and most importantly, Peter DID succeed in handing off leadership of the company. Dr Taylor getting off the BOD is the evidence confirming it. I personally made my last financial commitment in July, and started anticipating liftoff for September 1. Once again, the drama, the frustration, the responsibility is all mine. Both in creation, and now to bear. We all like to make fun of PNP, but plenty of us got ourselves in the identical, albeit on smaller scale, situation. Man, if this was easy then everyone would be rich already! Peace
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