Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: FYI - Whats going on?

Dear Scary,

Re: ‘how many of Sula's bullet points reiterating company statements in his response to me (except for the last one regarding wafers) were already said in some form last year? It doesn't hurt to scrutinize a bit. Heck, some of us would have double the number of shares by now, myself included. Shame on me.’

I would like to take you up on your rather dismissive comment regarding the bullet points I listed in a previous post. These were extracted from the current MD&A and reflect new management thinking and are nothing to do with the past as you suggest.

Your theory, which I understand is based on your experience in the IC industry, is that the development of POET devices will take much longer than we think. Curiously that's my experience in military IT projects too, but the point is that your rather pessimistic approach does not reflect the significant changes that is going on in PTI that my bullet points emphasised. What you are missing, and others too judging by your following, is that significant changes are being signalled to us by management through the company's current filings particularly the MD&A, that will affect the speed of product development. We have to await the next NR to understand how this will pan out but recruitment and ordering of supplies all point to this.

If you have watched any of the available videos of our Co-Chairman AM speaking about his theories on FAB2, you will begin to understand that the change in management style here is all about getting from concept to fabrication quickly, or should I say more quickly than has been previously achieved. I believe that the AM has succeeded in recruiting and has influenced such talented and experienced fabricators as our COO (SD) and CEO (SV) because they too believe in FAB2 and that this triumvirate are highly motivated to implement FAB2 within PTI and affect the way POET technology is brought to market. They I feel have recognised POET’s potential and its disruptive power and under AM’s tutelage and GT genius intend to influence the IC market and make themselves (Steve Jobs) famous for doing so. These three Indian guys are on a mission that they country of birth will be very proud of as will we.

I have been mildly criticised for changing my tone here. I accept that, but it comes from the frustration I feel with the board at this time and the obsession with Pinetree, SI and SP matters, which are but a blip on a chart tomy mind, when right in front of our very eyes POET history is being made which is being signalled to us by management yet ignored. by many here.

Even more frustrating is to see intelligent writers like yourself ignoring these changes and the good news that is being signalled and then peddling your particular form of pessimism with negativity about timings of POET devices to market, which, whilst based on you own experience which are like mine and have truth, but ignore the far greater experience of the new management triumvirate whose IC fabrication experience cannot be faulted or exceeded when they have a new vision and motivation to get this amazing technology to market quicker.

My theory is that we will have a POET device available for commercial markets in a far shorter time than your fear filled post suggests. Additionally, as regards the military initiatives, it is highly probable that we are far further down the line than we think, but news here will always be veiled in secrecy. In fact we may only ever know through the financials published.

This is just the start, this Company as Blacktoad suggest, is creating a fast track approach to POET based IC development through computer aided design and manufacturing. Where close cooperation between Customer, POET and Fabricator’s engineers occur at the Fabrication site that allows the process of concept through to products to occur infar quicker timescales than awas previously achieved. It is a well-known fact that start-ups have a great advantage over established firms in innovation of new processes and flexibility. What I see is our company through AM's FAB2 theories taking full advantage of this. Our technology is is not the only POET paradign shift the development and Fabrication process is too

On this basis you should recognise that your form of so called reality is not taking any account of what our particularly innovative management are signalling to us or how they can through FAB2 theories get ‘Powered by POET’ products to market more quickly than your past experience evaluates. I regret that your view is tinged by your personal disappointment that SP value has not coincided with your personal plans or that you did not take advantage of swings to increase your holding hence your 'shame on me' comment as quoted.

For a balanced view on the 'reality you seek', I don’t feel you should allow personal angst to infect opinion here and what should have been a very positive reaction to the Q2 filing by the Company. The focus on SP value is causing readers to miss the point that this company is progressing very nicely indeed and may well see the benefit of that soon, your contibtion to the debate diverts them from that reality.

With respect, my bullet points reflect the excitement and can do approach of our management has to getting products out there quicker. A new and fresh approach I like over PC's previous overly optomistic comments.


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