Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Its Not About The Revenue.....

Almost a year ago, I offered an overtly positive post on the subject of the day. The attraction of top talent to an as yet undefined TSX start up.

In light of the wonderful CC and the messages released therein by our aforementioned management team, I offer here...simply just an opinion.

First observation.....

I often wondere how many "investors" wade into a market and really don't understand how it does work. The pitfalls, the traps, the misconstrued information all could lead to disaster for any unprepared individual. You can see it in the media, as theres usually a story a week of someone who bought and sold their way to oblivion usually taking their family or a business down with them. Then theres the individuals who always want to know the impossible......"WHO"...who controls the trading...who boxed in the price...who is the market maker....and the perennial catch all... "that can't be legal". I can assure you, machinations, mechanics, and motivations are all man made, and in the capital markets are completely legal......most of them anyway. Either way, its all a moot point for us. We can either be in or out....if the whim of the pro's.....if out....a possible opportunity lost. Lets move on.

Now personally, I don't pay much attention to the price, either hourly or daily basis. I do not, and don't generally worry about what the price does or where it goes. The simple reason being, that would be like trying to catch the one piece of cherry in a can of fruit cocktail in a swimming full of cherry gelatin.

In other words....."fruitless".

Second observation.......

I have been around here long enough to see the post news-al drip and the resultant hand wringing and angsting that goes haste. A major factor in these greasy situations, the exchange, tends to be overlooked. Overlooked from the standpoint that...its the cause of our pain... ! We all want a solid piece of news to create a gain, and then hold a gain, and then build on a gain. BUT....when you are trading on the pre-eminent penny day trading carnival, you don't care not about photons, phasars, or lazing, you only care (and I mean ONLY) about limits, liquidity and the 3 point profit. Being that we are longs, holders, and not traders. It becomes an irritant. It wreaks havoc on momentum building, reputations, and the promotability of an entity.

Whats a girl to do ?

The management of our fine company know of this periilous roundabout of a non-value building situation, certainly have made and are continuing to make plans for the up listing to a world stage. Most likely as soon as humanly possible.....(maybe even to the TSX senior board ?). They have to make this move and for a good many reasons, including liquidity, credibility, and marketability. To name three. Its no wonder yesterdays gains are todays losses, as traders sensed the doom, read the release and maybe even listened to the CC. adding all three up to.......wait for it........."no revenue" the give a rats patoot about it. No traders don't care of the content, they care only of the emotional ebb and flow it causes....because they can turn each emotional synapse into a penny trading profit.

So to those of you out there that are relying on a revenue announcement, don't be. Thats because "this" market cares only about hype surrounding revenue. What will move the market ?

Allow me to throw an idea out there....


Poet Technologies Inc. Inks Deal With Fortune 500 Leader

THATS what will move the stock, move the price and make tidal waves. It will move so hard and so fast, the penny purveyors won't know what hit them. It will be, in my estimation the first in a flurry of set time spaced announcements to lift us up and keep us on, that world stage.

The "market" does not want revenue....the "market" wants a NAME. It wants follow through on the conjecture. It wants a name thats so unbelievable, so stunning, so high profile that brand recognition exceeds 98%, and at the same time we receive equal or even larger billing at the same time. Its already been said by RVH and FJ I believe that there are many companies already listed on the NASDAQ without earnings. As Stan Lee would say...'nuff said.

Third (and last) Observation......

Your fellow hub citizens have provided some fabulous breakdown over the last 24 hours. We are so lucky to have such a wide range of talents to define issues and items. Still the best forum on earth !

The A-Team....

Lets allow them the time (not very much longer I suspect) to put a deal or two together and get them into the public domain. As they have alluded to in the CC. By substantially shocking the market with a "name", or even 2, they will be successful in evading the air drag of the pin headed penny flippers. Shares will then be gobbled up at an unprecedented rate, is my prediction.

Once that happens then we can all talk turkey.

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