Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: THM what A and S said in a update NR May !8 worth a second read.

quantum leap

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quantum leap ‎(plural quantum leaps)

  1. (physics) The discontinuous change of the state of an electron in an atom or molecule from one energy level to another.
  2. (metaphorical) An abrupt, extreme change.  [quotations ▼]
    • 2001, Helene Ciaravino, How to Pray: Tapping Into the Power of Divine Communication, page 33, In the end, perhaps the practice of prayer effects a quantum leap of its own kind. It takes us, spontaneously and unexplainably, into the realm of spiritual energy.
    • 2010, Dan Wilson, Supernatural Marriage: The Joy of Spirit-Led Intimacy, page 187, The addition of power from God through connectedness with the Holy Spirit results in a quantum leap in our ability to accomplish the will of God in our daily lives.
    • 2010, December 18, Tim Stevenson, Opinion: Letters, in New Scientist, However, if we reject any theory that falls short of this ideal, science will have to progress in quantum leaps, each with infinitesimal probability.

Rainer with all due respect to your scientific mind I am hoping Mr R was using the metaphorical use of the phrase, An abrupt extreme change I guess time will tell

disrupt it and they will come

later griz

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