Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Do you trust POET's current Management??

This board is bipolar, where's the lithium?

Thank goodness the lynch mob mentality of the weekend has been quelled somewhat, at least for now.

I can't believe our management is thinking, "geez, we can't get this stock to go up, we can't get revenues with which to pay ourselves higher salaries... here's what will do, we'll award ourselves a whole lot of options at a really favorable strike price, we'lll spread a great rumor through our fans at Agoracom, the stock will go up .15 and we'll sell, sell, sell!"

That may have been the thinking at some point during this company's existence, but does the above sound like our new guys?

Look, I'm not saying that they are not thinking, "this tech is going to be great (someday), due principally to our know-how in the industry; let's make sure we have plenty of options so we can cash in commensurately for our part in this." That type of thinking would not be admirable, and would perhaps short-change Geoff Taylor's part in all of this, while inflating the value of their own contribution. That's about the worst agenda I can believe they possess and I don't think they possess it. But, even if they do, we are all winners if their vision comes true.

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