Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Do you trust POET's current Management??

Griz i think you misunderstood what I said,

Lets get this right Trini49 these companies were bought with stock issued from treasury NOT OPIONS. BIG DIFFRENCE

Stock issued from tresury is paper money in my book it had no relevance to Options.

No disrespect and IMHO none taken.

Rainer just pointed out something very important, all they are doing is bringing the options amount to what we had before which is 20%

"I have issues with the amount of CHEAP options that were given out like candy and caused hugh dilution with no benfit to the stock, BY the OLD TEAM."

this is what is causing all these problems, we are blaming the new team for wrongs of the old team, I think this is unfair.

You and I both know they will never tell us why they need these options, we just have to trust their judgement, and so far it has been very good in my opinion.

Like you I am deep in the red but I am sure soon it will be very green.

Much respect Griz and good luck.


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