Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The Danger of Thinking in the Now.

There is a danger when evaluating your investment of reacting only to what is currently happening. What just happened re the PO was painful but I reiterate may well prove to be very sound tactically. if for instance it enables POET products to be first to market.

A strand of PTI's strategy apart from the lab to fab commercialisation process, is licensing. In the background hidden under NDA will be one or more projects simmering away. I will not elaborate but who can deny that in March 2014 there were a number of irons in the fire. Remind yourself by takings a look at the March 2014 Brief.

Just by looking at the milestones back then, logically something started in 2014 would be coming to fruition in the not too distant future had there been a successful licensing agreement back then. My personal theory is well known and again I will not elaborate.

But the military and the rational behind the creation of the TRAB would certainly be candidates for projects that are now in a much more advanced state.

Working capital is the life blood of any business . I put it too you that cash flow planing, which we know to be an in progress task and one which we will hear more of on the 28th of this month, may well have to take account of NRE resulting from projects initiated in 2014. It occurs to me that the seemingly hasty PO may well be a gap filler based on delays outside Management's control in such projects.

The negativeity generated here by PO effects may seem a high price for us to pay, but from POET management stand point its seen as a necessary evil in the context of the overall build up of shareholder value and ultimately in our best interests but only if you don't get flushed out by the negativity some engender to flush out shares in weak hands.

Thinking in the now is dangerous to your wealth take the long term broader view and play no part in the capitulation outsiders desire.

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