Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: European project developing integrated silicon photonics process

A few years ago, I don't recall the poster name, but that person mentioned how companies could more or less co-engineer with POET and dedicate significant portions of their R & D budget. Of course that would have to be under a license with POET. I think once the appropriate prototypes are done, discussions could advance in this area to a significant NRE with various parties. POET is ahead of the curve in the II-IV space and as it continues to advance now it will take on greater value as when companies already established in the tech field license POET. Perhaps, our thinking and investment were a few years pre-mature, but I suppose it is better to be early rather than too late to the party. The elusive part has been as to when will that party start. I've got my party hat on, and an empty wallet waiting to be filled, like many here. Hopefully, the silicon industry can migrate at least, in part, to a POET platform sooner rather than later.


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