Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Christopher Chu's facebook statement about POET

I had a number of contacts with CC many moons ago and respected his caution and perspective, but there was nothing unique or insightful about his comments back then or now for that matter,  they are the rational obvious comments of investing in high risk venture stock.  Simply read the risk sections produced by our management in the company papers and you will receive all the cautions you need to proceed with this venture experience.  It's risks are well analysed by management.

Chris does not demonstrate broad up to date knowledge of where PTI is at.  The tone of his posts undermines what in other respects is a fine journalistic mind corrupted to my mind  by a somewhat poorly placed statements, eg  to mention solar at this stage is crass and of no current relevance to the present pregnant state that PTI is in. 

This investment is all about a gamble to bring a unique IP in optoelectrical technology to commercialiseation.  Each of us invest for many different reasons, all of us have the same aim of ultimate financial improvement I'm sure, but for me the excitement of finding this new technology, POET, with real potential to significantly alter IC technology is what has attracted me to risk all that I can afford to lose and to remain invested.  I therefore simply cannot agree with the mechanistic, play by the rules, approach of how to succeed in investment that CC propounds and  appears to judge us by.  Yes I wrongly expected a shorter time scale but clearly our progress is geared by capital and there has not been sufficient available in hindsight but not recklessly so. We are underfunded and need success of the aquisition plan to keep our heads above water.

CC does not appear to appreciate that the management plan to use BB and DL aquisitions as a revenue source is set, samples are out there and we are poised to learn whether this will lead to product sales the results of which we will not really know their extent until Q1 18 at the earlist, not to mention the prospects the Indian RFP represents.

All in all CC intervention is a red herring and of no more consequence than my Pon Pom enthusiasm for this adventure.  For me this is a long shot journey which is infinitely more sensible today than my post-Pellegrino entry five years ago.  I like the journey's excitement, I remain hopeful.

 I regret only that that some of the more adventurous POET prospective applications are not being pursued and still have no answer to who it was received PDK or what was envisaged in summer of 2015. Clearly from the company's experience such development is long term and costly in capital resources and not for them.

Sorry Chris but you have lost the plot as to what drives PTI retail investors who remain long in PTK.




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