Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Baba's Truth

Would you mind if I made reference to your post as Baba's evolving thoughts? I am little surprised that you would say you are even mildly disappointed as much of what you have posted recently was related to doubt. For example the reference to shorts recently at months end being a good indicator of the direction of the stock. That was not a typical short as I am sure you are now realizing. 

And as far as .55 being the floor on this stock. The floor is being established by the very high volumes we are seeing at much higher prices than what we have right now. $24M traded so far this month alone at an average price .64. 

And I think it is a very natural conclusion that this will be the last financing in this price range. 

Bought deal, 4 month hold and really it is a very small financing. So if they wanted more at this price I expect there would have been no problem based on the demand this stock has shown.

And that is again one of the keys here. The demand for this stock will increase as more information becomes available about what it is they have and what they are doing with it.

There is a need to focus on the big picture here...So I in my opinion this is extremely short term noise and probably not worthy of our efforts to over analyze.

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