Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: IMO, what we need.

Let me first say that I am one of the Poet faithful.  Poet has exceptional potential.  On a scale of one to ten... 9.5!  However... the rate of change for the SP is lower than 'slow'.  So I've been thinking.

My daughter is a 'brand manager' for a brewery up here in Canada.  She has opened my eyes in this regard.  This is 2020, soon to be 2121.  Everybody has a brand manager.  If not explicitly named, implicitly represented.  WE need a brand manager.  Someone dedicated to getting the poet brand out there.  Other forum menbers have alluded to this... Shash and Walconst to name a couple recent entries.  We have something the world needs.  Something disruptive.  We need someone with the experience to let the world know who we are and what we have.  In 2020, it's pretty fundamental.  

As I said in the subject line, IMO.


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