Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Revenue timeframe



its not about discrediting you my man. its about facts. steve isnt saying they wont sell products by a certain date. hes a frustrated as i am and many other share holders. when posters make false claims(and have made many in the past) forcasting the share price performing or reacting in certain ways. every single one of these forecasts in the past 10 years has missed by miles. not even hitting the broad side of the barn. thats a fact. unless someone has said the share price with not react to anything the company does except go down.


again i am not being negative or attacking anyone. just a massive share holder frustrated with the constant optimism here that leads to the same dissapointement over years. trust me, i cant wait for it to run, but i dont see it happening any time soon(i hate that word) this goes to a couple bucks and ill retire before 40. 


Great news realease. eagerly waiting for the world to see things the way we do regarding poet.



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