Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 'Splain it to me, Lucy!!

Good question,

You have to break down the potential of RS in differing perspectives. To avoid speculating, I will add some include some interesting notes for you to consider:

1. Float size matters. Depending on the ratio, whatever float we are left with really dictates the type of trading activity. For example, charts with higher floats are cleaner and easier to read/understand. Smaller floats are much more volitile and less predicatable. Some interesting questions to consider:

What does management want? (condering their "options")

What do the bankers want? (the lower the float, the jucier or more "sure" the deal.... warrants, 2016...)

2. Is the RS from internal or external pressure? This is a very interesting to consider. Some questions first:

  • Why uplist with a price target of $12.43 CAD, and over 300M share float. I don't see any problems with their balance sheet?
  • Why not wait for AGM? Why wasn't the previous AGM an S-AGM for an RS?

This leads me to think that POET is getting external pressure to expand into the NASDAQ. Share deals, versus cash deals, would be much easier done on the exchange if both parties were listed? Well, more trusting I would say. Anyways, thinking about news flow:

  • Would management be uplisting because they believe they will be able to disclose client(s) soon? This doesn't make sense. I wouldn't rely 100% of my RS ratio dependant on the clients agenda/progression. But I'm still thinking "external pressure"; that's interesting though. If this is external pressure, then what are they waiting for? 
  • Consider that POET does not uplist and we run the course of the year into mass production. Now consider uplisting to NASDAQ (if it is a "rush" than before 2H of the year?). With those two scenarios, I want you to ask yourself what advantages does management have; and what advantages do the banks have? The answer must be somehwere in between.
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