There is so much everyday shareholders don't know. The industry is very competitive and Poet might be bound by various agreements with existing clients who are trusting Poet to help them transition their product platforms to what will hopefully become a new standard as Suresh hopes to convince Poet's targeted markets. It's an education process in addition to demos and it has to be done right to nurture confidence. Going through past NRs, it almost feels by inference that Poet already has 'design wins'. What kind of wording with its clients' permission would be acceptable disclosure?
I am all for better promotion that leads to better stock prices that leads to better financings as needed. Poet has tried to communicate better through the podcasts with Agoracom and the past few years have shown clearer NRs. I think the main weakness is in marketing --- promotion. A better job could be done, and if your quest for more transparency can help them find promoters who maintain high integrity standards that should bode well for all stakeholders. I am fine with the podcasts here, but Poet needs a larger audience.