Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A lot of misleading and wishful ideas

"My biggest hangup is that I have lost confidence in the integrity of markets and market makers and where there is gain there are con artists to take advantage of weak positions

That is where I see POET today"

100% agree! This has been the climate POET has been operating in for as long as I can remember.

The difference now is they have slowly and diligently worked to advance the company and technology to a point where they can back their claims and stand up to the scrutiny of having developed a disruptive technology for what is arguably the most lucrative and cutting edge area of the semiconductor industry.

What we need is a new sandbox to play in - the Naz. And yes, I realize the same sharks exist on the Naz that like to play the games but I also think it gives a great opportunity for the company to hit the reset button, shed the speculative development persona, and start to be re-evaluated based of the legitimate set of innovative technological developments that it has put in place and has backed by JV, supply chain agreements and significant, and hopefully further promoted, customer interest. 

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