ABC- I'm with you....In view of the lack of PR and especially meaningful comminication with the shareholders it is important that the AGM be held in person in June. There is no excuse for a few POET personnal in North American not to attend, especially Suresh, Mika, possibly a few local Board Members, and might I add... especially Bill & Mike White since IBK holds and controls the largest block of POET shares, IBK should provide their perspective regarding the stocks performace and frankly be prepared to answer some pointed questions as well. Anyone else required from POET can attend virtually in the room where the AGM is held this keeps the cost to down and those off-shore at home and working. Conducting a virtual meeting when there is no need for it this year is IMO truly disrespectful to all shareholders, especially those which have been around since the very beginning. Anyone fearful of Covid can listen to the meeting remotely and ask questions as was done in years past.