I have a question. Please excuse my ignorance, but as I search The ethernet transceiver market for 100G LR4, I come across several makers of this technology - including Cisco, Juniper, Arista and others.
Can anyone explain what is unique about POET's technology? I get the basic value propositions of faster, less power, lower heat, plug and play, capability to mass produce,... But I don't understand what POET is doing differently in the 100G space that makes this solution news worthy, and I sincerely would like to know.
I am NOT bashing. I have a lot of money invested in this company. I understand that the 1.6T market is promising. But I'd like to know if POET will be able to compete with CISCO and others, and if these other companies are potential customers of POET, what's wrong with what they are doing today.
Thank you for any insights you can offfer.
(Please ignore any misspellings. As already stated, I am ignorant)