Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Fear and capitulation

What a gift those a-holes gave the shorts this morning, a public offering with no set price. These same shorts can buy up the offering at a share price they are now setting by their actions to drive it down. They will be able to buy up those positions and short this company with no fear of covering.

Questions...Could they be that stupid? Or is that the plan, 'the old boys club.' After all who ever heard of a company like this with 98% retail owners of a company that has the best of the best products, in production and contracts waiting to be filled? A public company with unlimited potential ready to blow away the competition owned by retail investors like you and me. Whoever heard the like? Can't have that.  

Sorry for the sarcasm but when one has invested so much into a company and got it to the finish line as we have done with our investments, the least we could ask for and expect to get is a bit of communication, feedback, answers, and a plan. But not a word...

What a mess because of a press release that would leave us all laughing if we didn't have so much invested here. Down 50% in one day and not a sound or even a whimper from the company to explain the situation.

Sorry, I had to get that out of my system, I shall now return to my crying position and scrape up cash to buy more shares because I am still a believer. T        


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