Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: POET shareholders need to understand

FJ, sincere thanks not just for articulating so well (and diplomatically) our distress to management, but for also sharing the response.  Very revealing to say the least.  I share the sentiment of some other posters that the latest response doesn't at all assauge concerns. 

"Investors appear to have continued to totally discount our pipeline of prospective orders.....and apparently no not believe that we will meet our stated objectives....."

My own discounting/not believing is unfortunately a learned behaviour.  By now we've certainly come to understand the value of words like prospective, potential, interest, etc. because to-date they only prelude delay, non-disclosure, and non-confirmation.

The biggest blow of course: the November NR that the company was on track. Not sure how we can take for granted what we're told going forward. Only and exclusively their actions matter now. Hopefully they succeed for my and other investors sakes but I sadly no longer have the "I'm on team Poet" mentality.  I once fantasized about getting a "THXPOET" license plate but to beans with that idea!

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