Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The Future is beyond bright

Poeteer (and Mazan who 100% supports your positive view of Poet's future)

Thank you so much for this bright  flash of optimism, amidst the gloom and doubt  shareholders generally feel about  Poet's abysmal price performance .

Just hope that your belief is well founded and that you are not seeing things through rose coloured glasses.(i.e overly optimistic )

You refer to " intrinsic calculations of company coffers indicate timelines to reveal the new $ sources are in the next 2-6 weeks".

Do you mean by this that you expect the company to need more money within 6 weeks  with its current cash burn ?

Interesting fact that Lis Su is a mentor to SV.

As current Chairman of AMD she is recognised as having rescued AMD from possible bankruptcy when it was@ $3.00 in 2014. It closed @$174 on Friday 19 Jan 24.

Truly hope that all goes as you predict- it would make a lot of shareholders very happy.

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