Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: From the presentation

Thanks Sollozo

The 1st summary point from your post is the key fundamental aspect that needed to be addressed. If you accept Suresh statement on this then it has to give one comfort the company will have funds to not only survive but thrive

Remember the weak cash situation is what has caused in large part the value of this company to get crushed.

I am cautiously optimistic share price will recover on this point alone and if they can finally deliver on timelines then we are off to the races.

I  would add at these prices following Suresh presentation but too much scar tissue from past disastrous financings so will continue to hold and will not be shaken no matter how low they try and take it before we recover 

It would help if Suresh summarized the points made at this event in print or via a call  to investors to re iterate current status.

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