Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Not expecting significant new information

I have a different view of this AGM.

i don't expect a big surprise during the meeting, though, if positive, that would be nice.

My focus is on what happens AFTER Execs and insiders have thier options repriced - over the next few weeks.  This is speculation based on the activity over the past month or so.  MMCAP invests in POET, as do other institutions.  MMCAP, as you recall, has a unique business model with expertise in merger and business arbitrage.  POET announces Foxconn.  POET has already stated that they plan to generate revenue via a licensing model - which makes sense.  POET does not have an organizational structure capable of going to market directly with their solutions (B to C).  As I consider these facts, I feel that it's POSSIBLE that an event will be announced after the AGM - after Wxecs get their shares repriced. (And, by the way, I suspect POET already knows that the recent instis will support their request, so our votes have little impact). Based on everything we know about the uniqueness of the POET technology and the potential market size for this tech, I'm confident that the result of any such event will be positive for all of us - even those of us who helped drive the price up over $8 usd (2 years ago??  I lose track).

Regardless of what happens over the next few weeks, I'm holding all my shares tightly because I firmly believe POET is undervalued today.  (But if something significant happens in the next few weeks, remember, you heard it from POETMMc first).

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