Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Patent citations

You could write this about every single start up that's been gobbled up.  It's also true most are acquired.  This "stupid" this and "stupid" that is just your hope, it has nothing to do with market dynamics. In reality, insiders can cash in huge right now, some even stay on with the acquirer, stock options, oversight roles, oh the goodies.  Since we're using all these "stupid" scenarios, let me add "naive" and "asinine" to not compute these guys will do what's best for them, their bottomline.  A takeout is a real possibility and frankly becomes more attractive the closer we get to real adoption, like right now for instance. To gain a market advantage, for just one vertical, companies get bought out all the time, Apple for instance acquires 2-3 a year, with the war-chest these companies sit on, we are a pittance and of NO risk whatsoever to their bottom line.  We supposedly have products nobody can possibly compete with, if you truly believe that, then how can you then even suggest a takeout isn't possible?  How is that even logically to hold that view and still feel so certain?

Look, I hope we don't get taken out here, today or anytime soon, for that matter.  I just find these "how dumb" it would be posts to be frankly laughable. You could just as easily argue how "smart" it would be, and really a well worn path we've seen over and over and over in the corporate world.  Our brass will do what is best for them, we're barnacles on a whale, or wants are irrelevant and these repriced options once again highlight in the most fundamental way, the retail investor is the least of their worries.  


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