My answer to Zim Zim on the Ottawa Issue:
A truck is not a speech.
A horn is not a voice.
An occupation is not a protest.
A blockade is not freedom , it blocks the liberty of all.
A demand to overthrow the government is not a dialogue.
The expression of hatred is not a difference of opinion.
A lie is not the truth. author Bob Rae
Yes one lady got hurt that is hard to accept but what about all the citizens that were denied their freedom for three weeks in Ottawa should we not also address that. People afraid to go out to shop and mingle . I am afraid Zim Zim you took one bad result of the police attempting to free the city from these people with evil intent and are glamorizing it. No, the police had every right to recaputure the city for the use of its citizens. democracy, order has been resotred. If you don't like the present government then get out at election time and vote.